Quick workout tips for the busy fitfam

I get it, you really want to lose weight but you are busy and just can’t find the time to work out. From responsibilities at work to family matters and social obligations, twenty-four hours isn’t enough. You would love to work out but you don’t have the time.

While the reasons not to work out are valid and true, it’s not enough to put your health on the back burner. Our bodies are a machine, and they need to be serviced to stay in top shape. If you ride a car, every few weeks you take it in for servicing, but on a daily basis, you do some maintenance like steaming it. So why should your body get less treatment?

If anything, with how stressful the world we currently live in is, exercise is a must. Whether the goal is weight loss or not, you ought to exercise a few times a week, and give your body the servicing it needs. Now that we have that settled, let’s sort out the challenge of time.



Here’s how to find the time to work out

When it comes to fitness, consistency and quality, is more important than quantity. What does this mean you may ask? Well, if you’re able to do a 30-minute workout 4 times a week, you’re better off than someone working out for an hour every other week. So if you find yourself with very little time to work out, you should aim for quality and consistency over quality. Now let’s get to the tips to help you work out even if you are a busy bee.

  1. Exercise in short bursts: If you try to work out for two hours every day, you won’t keep up and you’ll abandon it altogether. So aim to work out for between twenty-five to forty minutes every day. There are loads of workouts you can do for twenty-five minutes that will set your heart racing like nobody’s business. Go fo a run, skip or join live work out sessions.
  2. Make it count: When you have only thirty minutes to exercise, you have to make it worth it. So go for short but intense activities. You’re on a time crunch so do it hard and fast. HIIT is your best friend if you’re thinking of where to start.
  3. Think home gym: If you have such a short time on your hands, it may be best for you to work out at home. That way you save transit time and you can round up a workout and jump in the shower in two minutes. Working out at home is just as effective as working out the gym. Don’t believe me? Well, ask the over 800+ people who have lost weight working out at home with me.
  4. Use your lunch break: Sitting down for eight straight hours is definitely not a good idea. So if you do most of your work sitting down, then please ensure to spend a few minutes stretching and walking around during your work break. Take a break and work out at the same time, if that’s not a win, I don’t know what is.
  5. Maximize non-workouts: Those trips to the grocery store, the staircase at work, the large parking lot at the mall, or work. All those present opportunities for you to work out without conventionally work out. So make use of them, walk faster and find ways to make it a workout.
  6. Schedule it: One way many busy people get all their work done is by adhering to their schedule strictly. Once an item is on there, it becomes a thing of commitment. So schedule in your workout as part of your plans for the day.

A bonus tip is to get your workout done in the morning so you get it over with, and no matter how the day turns out, you’ve already done it.

It’s not the easiest thing to work out with a demanding schedule, but you can do it. Prioritize your health and keep going, you got this! If you need additional support, then you sign up for any of my fitness programs.


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