Lillian O

“My name is Lillian, I’m a mum of 3. I met April on Instagram as I was just scrolling up and down. I saw her transformation pic of when she just had her son and her seven months later pic, and I was immediately inspired. I said to myself if she can do this I de nitely can because her tommy looked exactly like mine a er child birth. (drools) and I was actually pregnant at the time… almost due, so I contacted April and 6 weeks a er I had my baby, we started and ever since, it’s been amazing. Seeing my body transform in the most amazing ways. at’s not to say we perform magic at the LifestyleChangeWithApril. No! We don’t. It takes hard work and dedication but it’s de nitely worth every penny, every tear, every pain, and every sweat I promise you. e meals are also amazing; you still get to eat everything with just few changes here and there. My hubby always beefs me; when I’m prepping my food, he stands there eyeing my big big chicken; Lol. I started seeing changes a er 4weeks, and haven’t stopped seeing changes in my body. I de nitely feel brand new, and loving every single bit of it. ank you so much Lola; you are one hell of a lady, you are my bad ass, and I love you; and to the amazing ladies on the group, you guys are wonderful. Anyone that goes through LifestyleChangeWithApril and doesn’t see changes, de nitely hasn’t put in work full stop.”

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