
Recipes, tips and tricks to keep you healthy.


“A year ago, I looked at my photos and I was shocked at how big I’d gotten. No, this wasn’t


 “My journey with April has been a life changing experience. To think that I eat 3 square meals and snack


“I just wanna seize this opportunity to thank April wholeheartedly for this job you do. You have changed lives and


“Well, I made it through the 12 weeks. It’s excellent! I have my energy back, and I am more confident


“My Journey on April Laugh started Dec 1st 2017, shortly after returning from a vacation and I was totally disappointed


“Prior to joining, I had little or no motivation to workout or stick to eating clean. In my group, I


“Coach of life! I never knew that following you on Instagram would be one of the best decisions I’ve made.


“PS: I barely had ass before now it’s disappeared 🙈😂😭. So I started this journey at 88.1kg and 27% fat


“I remember going through April’s page for the first time on Instagram and seeing people’s transformation pictures thinking how can


“First I was a bit hesitant to join because the previous ones didn’t motivate me enough to achieve my goals


“My gosh!! A lot has happened this year but I thank God for the last 3 months I have spent

Author Info

Picture of April Laugh

April Laugh

Best-Selling Author. Coach. Entrepreneur. Mother.