
“My Journey on April Laugh started Dec 1st 2017, shortly after returning from a vacation and I was totally disappointed with how I was eating and looking… My clothes didn’t fit anymore, I was struggling until I stumbled on April’s page on IG and guess what a promo was on for an extra month… what caught my attention was “YOU HAVE TO EAT TO LOSE WEIGHT” I have never been a foodie… so it was so easy to snack on junks at work and late at night… I paid and joined this fantastic group. 🙌🏾The meals are so delicious and very interesting for me… I don’t go to the gym… I workout at home… the ladies on the group are super amazing… our coaches are role models, they lead by example… It’s a group to be on… I have learnt how vital it is to invest in my health more than clothes, shoes and bags… sometimes i get tempted to eat unhealthy and feel lazy to work out but with the group and support from everyone I get motivate to keep eating healthy and burning those calories…. “

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