30 Days Of Gratitude


I truly cannot believe that 2019 has gone by so far that we are already in April!!!

I can still remember writing down my quarterly goals and now, I am already crossing them off.

One thing I have learnt recently is the need to be more grateful. In life we take so much for granted. Our families, healthy spouses, beautiful children, jobs or businesses that pay the bills, good health, clean environments and money for our hobbies. So many more people have it way worse than we do in every way.


I decided that I was going to be more mindful and thankful for all my blessings. More thankful to GOD, more appreciative of my husband and more grateful for my kids.

I would like to invite you on this journey of 30 Days Of Mindful Gratitude. They say it takes 21 days to form a habit so I believe that in this time, you will have enough time to form and engage gratitude as a part of your life as well.

Are you in?

Cheers to more blessings for us all.




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